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How to Get Facebook Leads using Profile Funneling

Strategies for Business Success

Do you want to grow your business through Facebook?

And do you want to gather more and more leads through your Facebook profile?

If your answer is yes, then you are in the right place. Hi, my name is Ethel and I am a YouTube and video creation coach. And I help aspiring Video Influencers to monetize their content through video making. In this particular segment, I am going to share about what is attraction marketing and what is profile funneling. So let’s go on my laptop and let’s understand what is profile funneling.

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So when it comes to profile, this is your Facebook profile. Right and there are two particular segments which brings to the commonality of profile funneling. So basically what profile funneling profile funneling is directly related to your attraction marketing. attraction marketing is where you try to attract your dream customers. And you provide a funnel with the help of your profile, so that what happens over here is you get the leads or you directly get the seat. So, there are two parameters when it comes to profile. One is the cover photo. And second is this particular area. This is also one of the photographs, which are

So when it comes to profile, this is your Facebook profile. Right, and there are two particular segments that bring to the commonality of profile funneling. So basically what profile funneling is directly related to your attraction marketing. attraction marketing is where you try to attract your dream customers. And you provide a funnel with the help of your profile so that what happens over here is you get the leads or you directly get the seat. So, there are two parameters when it comes to profile. One is the cover photo. And second is this particular area. This is also one of the photographs, which are used in profile funneling. So if you see over here in my profile, I have a thumbnail, which depicts my particular photograph. The second thing is this cover photo. This cover photo tells you exactly what I do. So this gives an idea to any person who’s visiting your profile, and it gets a clear idea. So over here, anyone who visits my particular profile will understand that this guy is into video marketing. 

So what I have done is unlock the magic of video marketing, generate inbound leads of potential customers and 10X your business growth using videos. So get started. So what people do is they try to have this as a cover photo. All right. So I would recommend using your particular branding your particular niche and your mission statement and something related to this, which will boost your business. So once I upload this it allows me to add a description over here. So if you see my description straight away I have lots of call to actions into it primarily if you see the book a strength three strategy call with me. And over here I have a calendly software which is integrated with zoom and the link is given over here so if anybody goes over here and clicks and books, I will get an email from zoom and from calendly if someone wants to have a 30 minutes free strategy call with me. Second, if you see is I have also given them the link to my Facebook group. The reason is you need to build a community you need to build your tribe and the Facebook group is one of the best ways to build your community. The third thing that I have done over here is basically I have created my you can say a signature program.

As a video content multiplayer blueprint, so there is a link to my sales landing page. And then there are other goodies over here. Over here if you see this particular thing, it is a free youtube starter kit. Over here if you can see, this is one particular online course that I promote. And the third thing is a LinkedIn profile which gives other ways to connect to my connection to me and to my profile. So what I would strongly recommend to you is you need to have a strategy call if you want to gather more and more leads, because this allows you to get email ids, names, and numbers of people. Secondly, to see you can also use this as directly or you can insert a lead magnet whereby you are giving someone valuable information in exchange for an email id. So use this particular description section which will allow you to get leads

So, this is the cover photo. Then if you see there is an introduction over here, in the introduction, what I have done is I have inserted four lines. The first line says that I’m an entrepreneur. Second, I’m a YouTube and video making coach. Third, I build Video Creators And fourth, I teach video marketing strategies. So there are four particular lines. And these particular four lines are different for different people. So these are the four segments for my dream customers based on their needs, they want to contact me, then again, the same link which I had used over here, the bitly link for my strategy call the same link I have inserted over here to second is the product that I’m promoting. So these are the two limited they you can put as many links as you want but I will strongly recommend you only do this too, and this will help you to get more and more business 30 to see. I have just told that I managed my Facebook page. And then there is another image that I have inserted. It’s in the featured image Once I click on this again if you see I have used the same all parameters which I had inserted in the cover photo. So, the message should remain the same, this particular message and this particular message should remain the same. And this is what I call a profile following. So, next, I’m going to teach how do you insert a calendar link? And how do you create a calendar link for your strategy calls? Apart from that if you feel that you need more help concerning increasing your business, video marketing and anything related to that, you can always leave a comment below and I will produce a video for you something which will benefit you to increase your sales. So this is me signing off. Bye-bye

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PS: Discover how can you increase organic traffic on your content by starting off with shooting one simple video… 👉🏼 Video Content Multiplier Blueprint
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